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Typically, there are over 6 million auto accidents in the United States every year. With such a staggering number of accidents occurring on our roads each and every year, there are many personal injury claims from those injured in auto accidents due to negligence or general fault of the other driver. Personal injury claims from these auto accidents can help victims be compensated for their loss of property or damage, time away from work due to injury, as well as the injury itself. These are some of the common forms of auto accidents that occur every year in Alabama.


Auto Accidents

The most common form of personal injury claim in Alabama is that of auto accidents. According to the Alabama Department of Transportation, during 2022, a car crash was reported every 3 minutes and 38 seconds in Alabama. This number included 907 fatal auto accidents. 

There are numerous common causes for car crashes and auto accidents in Alabama, including driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs and/or alcohol. Victims of auto accidents involving a DUI can be compensated significantly with the help of an experienced DUI lawyer. Unfortunately, this kind of personal injury claim is all too common in Alabama. 

There are also many other common causes of auto accidents in Alabama, including distracted driving, inexperienced drivers, vehicle mechanical failure, failure to follow the rules of the road, and more. All of these causes commonly result in dangerous crashes that leave victims injured, sometimes fatally.


18-Wheeler Accidents

While not quite as common in Alabama as auto accidents between cars, 18-wheeler accidents are often more dangerous. The size of the vehicle can increase the risk of injury and death when involved in an accident. 

The causes of 18-wheeler crashes are similar to the causes of auto accidents, including DUIs and distracted driving. Other reasons can also include poor or inadequate training, improperly secured loads on trucks, improper vehicle maintenance, driver fatigue, driver failing to check blind spots, and more. All of these factors can have dangerous and even deadly consequences. Victims of 18-wheeler accidents in Alabama can receive valuable damages with the help of experienced 18-wheeler accident lawyers.


Motorcycle Accidents

Like auto accidents and 18-wheeler accidents, motorcycle accidents are also an unfortunate reality in Alabama. The difference is that motorcycle accidents are much more likely to result in serious injury or death when compared to a typical auto accident. Safety equipment for motorcycles has come a long way, including advanced protective helmets, but even with these, the nature of being knocked off of a motorcycle makes accidents incredibly dangerous. 

Motorcycle accidents can be caused by some of the same factors that cause standard auto accidents and 18-wheeler accidents in Alabama, such as DUIs, distracted driving, and driver fatigue. However, motorcycles also have unique risk factors that can make motorcycle accidents even more devastating. For example, the weight difference between a car and a motorcycle essentially guarantees that the majority of the damage caused by an accident will be absorbed by the motorcycle and its rider, rather than evenly distributed between both parties.

With the rapid rise of accidents caused by distracted drivers, specifically those who use their cell phones while driving, our roads have never been more dangerous. Please do your part in improving public safety on our Alabama roads by focusing on the road while driving, and not your phone. The consequences can be devastating and irreversible, especially for motorcyclists. Riders who are injured by distracted drivers can recover significant damages in Alabama court with the help of motorcycle accidents lawyers.


Pharr & Associates: Alabama’s Auto Accident Attorneys

If you or a loved one have been injured in an auto accident in Alabama, turn to the trusted and experienced experts at Pharr & Associates for help. Our firm’s team of attorneys brings the experience and expertise that you need when it comes to holding those responsible accountable. Whether it was a car crash, 18-wheeler wreck, or motorcycle accident, our personal injury attorneys will fight for your just compensation. 


Give us a call today for more information, or schedule a free case evaluation with us.