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Animal Attacks

If you or a loved one were injured in an animal attack in Alabama, Pharr & Associates Injury Attorneys can help you get fully compensated.

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Animal Attacks

Attorneys Caring for Injured Victims

Animal attacks can be a terrifying, life-changing experience that can potentially leave the victim with devastating injuries. Dog bites, in particular, are a constant worry for many individuals, and rebuilding your life after surviving a violent dog injury can be painful and traumatic—not to mention expensive.

Here at Pharr & Associates Injury Attorneys, we have helped victims and survivors of dog attacks across Alabama to secure the justice they deserve. We have made it our mission to help you achieve the compensation you are owed and work hard to help you win your case.

Possible Defenses Against

Dog Attacks in Alabama

  • Provocation: the owner will not be liable for damages if it can be proven the injured party provoked the dog through abuse, torment, or teasing. They will need to prove that if not for the provocation, the dog would not have attacked, so the injuries would not have been sustained.The owner would not be liable in this instance.
  • Trespassing: to claim damages, any victim must be lawfully on private property when the injury occurs; that is, invited to the property for social or business purposes or carrying out a specific duty, such as a mail carrier or courier. If the victim was not on the property lawfully, they would be considered a trespasser and prohibited from collecting damages.
  • Location: if the victim was not on the property of the owner or was leaving the property when the injury occurred, the owner may be able to escape liability. A lawsuit may still be filed on the basis of negligence, however.

Law Against Violent Dog Injuries

Legislation on this topic in Alabama, known as the dog bite law, states that the owner of a dog is liable for any injuries—not only bites—caused by the animal if the following criteria are met:

  • The injured person did not provoke the dog
  • The injured person was not trespassing
  • The injured person was on the dog owner’s property, or had just left the property and was chased off by the dog

The dog bite law allows victims of dog attacks to pursue the animal’s owner for damages and compensation. The rules do not apply, however, to any situation where a person is injured by a dog in public, such as a park, sidewalk or street, or on the private property of a third party.

In these circumstances, the victim may still pursue a lawsuit, but it will be based on the concept of negligence.The victim will be required to demonstrate that the dog owner failed to use reasonable care to control the dog or otherwise prevent the bite from occurring. The victim must also prove that the injuries would not have occurred had this lack of reasonable care not taken place.

Free Consultation

Victim to a Dog Bite

If you have been the victim of a dog bite or violent injury, Pharr & Associates Injury Attorneys could be the answer to your issues. Our team of qualified attorneys have aided dog attack victims across Alabama and will work hard to help you secure the justice and outcome you deserve, as well as the compensation you need to move forward.